Thursday, April 19, 2018

Red alert !!! A big square box to play with.

 A big red square box is the most appropriate box to hold most hampers gifts as would any gift atelier to fashion their crafts in... 2 bottles of red wines, salivating chocolates, perfumes bottles, blossoming flowers as we had pictured one herewith; the rest we leave it to your creation... like knotting a gold  ribbons around its waist.
 The red is a mix of cherry red and cheongsam red... both of which suits the East and West mindset of a celebratory mood.
The inner dimension is a 32 x 32 x 14cm height with a full lid cover down... which you can also double use it as your base thus splitting the cost of your box. Price of this is S$18.00 each.
(Exercise patience when opening such full lid box as any rough handling by uncouth guy will damage her beauty)